Thursday, 24 September 2015

Colour schemes


For my magazine I think I'll have Impact Label as the Masthead and Christmas Candies for the Splash. I'll use the Hiragino font for the text on the contents page. I like all of these fonts because they are bold and fun and therefore will appeal to students. 

Initial Ideas

House style - will be bright and colourful, with elements of both feminine and masculine to appeal to the masses (i.e colour).

Mode of address - the mode of address is going to be more informal and chatty appealing to a student audience more so than formal language.

Central image - of a student smiling, natural look (little make-up), with simple clothing so as to not detract from the subject. Props will include student related objects such as textbooks etc.

Content - will have a mixture of entertainment related articles (music, going out, film etc.) and student related articles (college trips, exam results etc.)

Colour palette - bright colours such as yellow and blue, maybe pink, mixed with contrasting colours such as white, maybe some grey. 

Fonts - for the Masthead the font will be capitalised and bold. For the other text the font shall be clear and easy to read. 

Puff - free tickets to a local festival or dinner for two at local restaurant.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Introduction to Preliminary Task

Introduction to Preliminary  Task and Action Plan for Preliminary Task

For this task I will be creating the front cover and contents page of a student magazine using the programs: Photoshop and InDesign.  The front cover of my magazine shall feature a photograph of a student, apprporaite text and a masthead.

Week 1: Research and Planning - Analysis of magazine, research of target audience and planning for production.

Week 2: Production - photo shoot, design the front o0cver abd design the contents page.

Week 3: Production - Design contents page and evaluation

Week 4: Evaluation - Friday 9th October final deadline