Saturday 10 October 2015

Initial ideas

  • As I know that the music magazine industry is overcrowded with pop and rock magazines I thought about doing something different. My initial magazine idea was to do a specific genre, however upon thinking about this, this would really limit my target audience. Therefore instead of a specific genre, I thought about producing a magazine which features weird and wonderful music from all genres. This would include artists that promote obscure instruments, lyrics, content, style, genres etc. I'd just like to give a platform to those who create weird and wonderful music who aren't as well known as some artists. 
  • The house style would include bright colours, with unique fonts to reflect the weird and wonderful content. 
  • My audience would be anyone who would enjoy discovering new, more obscure music but aimed more at young people - 16-25 of all genders. This is because I'd be using a chatty and informal mode of address. 
  • The content would include specific interviews, giveaways, top obscure albums of 2015 etc. It would probably be a hybrid magazine, including many aspects of creativity, including music, fashion, film etc.

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